Walking By Faith

Why Aren’t We Sharing the Greatest News Ever Told?
By Rick McKinney: November 30, 2024

Why Aren’t We Sharing the Greatest News Ever Told?

by | Nov 30, 2024 | Engaging Culture, Hope, Revival, Witnessing

Sharing the gospel with others

Why are we not sharing the greatest news every told? This is one of the most important questions the Church should be asking right now. There was a time when most Christians felt the weight of sharing their faith. Not everyone did so, but the importance of being a witness for Christ was widely acknowledged. Today, however, something has shifted. Many believers hesitate to talk about Jesus, citing fears of offending others, concerns about tolerance, or a desire to avoid conflict. There are times when living in this world as a believer is scary. We just don’t know what to do. (Read this article) But let’s pause and ask: why?

Do we truly believe what we profess? If we believe that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, as He claimed, then we must also believe that no one comes to the Father except through Him. That’s not my opinion; it’s His declaration. And if we take Him at His word, shouldn’t that inspire us to share the gospel more fervently, rather than keeping it to ourselves?

The Greatest News Is For Sharing

The gospel is good news—the best news imaginable! It tells of God’s unfailing love, His forgiveness, and the salvation He freely offers through Jesus Christ. Yet, far too often, we treat it as though it’s something to hide. Why? If we truly believed that eternity without Jesus is unthinkable, wouldn’t we act with urgency to share His grace with those who are lost?

This isn’t about judgment; it’s about reflection. Think of it this way: if someone never talks about their spouse, wouldn’t you question the health of their marriage? If a parent never praises their child, wouldn’t it seem unusual? Likewise, a professing Christian who never shares their faith might need to ask some hard questions about the depth of their relationship with Jesus.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Here’s the truth: sharing the gospel isn’t about being a polished preacher or a fearless evangelist. It’s about having a heart so transformed by Jesus that you want to tell others. And there are dozens of ways to share the gospel without being confrontational. Check out this book. If that desire isn’t there, it’s worth examining why.

A Spiritual Check-Up

We routinely assess our physical health, finances, and even the condition of our cars. Why not do the same for our spiritual lives? Here’s a simple checklist to help:

  1. Have you personally committed your life to Jesus? (This goes beyond church attendance or baptism.)
  2. Has your life been visibly transformed since that commitment?
  3. Do you spend time regularly in prayer and studying God’s Word, growing in your relationship with Him?
  4. Do you feel an urgency to share your faith with others?
  5. Are you concerned for the eternal destiny of those you love?

If your answer to any of these questions is “no,” don’t ignore it. Take time to seek God in prayer and ask Him to renew your heart. Let Him ignite a passion in you to share His love with others.

We don’t share the gospel out of guilt or obligation; we share because we’ve experienced the life-changing power of Jesus, and we want others to know that joy. Imagine the impact if every believer made it a priority to share this good news, not out of duty, but out of love.

Let’s rekindle our passion for sharing Jesus. The world needs Him now more than ever. Will you take the first step today?