Walking By Faith

Perceptions Matter
By Rick McKinney: September 20, 2023

Perceptions Matter

by | Sep 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

We’ve all heard the adage: Perception is everything. Or perhaps you’ve heard this: Perception is reality. Either way, perception is vital to how we live our lives. So, how does this affect the lives of Christ-followers? Why is this an issue that we should be considering in our daily routines?

We all see the world through a personal lens that changes our perception of everything. Ask yourself: “When I see the world, do I see it doomed, condemned, and hopeless? Or do I see it as a place with potential, created by the hand of God for a purpose?” Can you see how your perception might alter how you interact with your world? 

The same is true when we observe those around us. Do we see them as worthless, destined for failure, and rotten? Shouldn’t we see them as part of a human race that God so desperately wants to be in a relationship with that He allowed His own Son to pay the price of their redemption? And wouldn’t this make a difference in how we treat the ones we pass on the street, see at the coffee shop, or even those who live in a back alley or under a bridge?

I believe this is one of the reasons we have such difficulty relating to those in our world on a spiritual level. We perceive them through physical eyes. We see their flaws, shortcomings, and failures through a lens of reality rather than through the eyes of Jesus. We give up on people, assume they’re lost, and write them off. In other words, we conclude that they are not worth the effort to share the good news of the gospel with. Tragic.

Lazarus would have stayed dead if Jesus had perceived those He encountered with this mindset. The blind would have died blind; the lame would always have been unable to walk, and the disciples? The disciples would have spent their lives catching fish and collecting taxes rather than turning the world upside down. Jesus did not see people for who they were. He did not see their future based on education, financial status, or social standing. He called them to the life He knew they could have with the acknowledgment of God’s purpose and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He prophesied greatness for their futures by canceling out the perceptions and negative confessions of others and challenging them to become something grander, more significant, and more consequential.

This does not mean we take the humanist’s view that humanity is good and can redeem itself. We acknowledge that humankind is fallen and is unable to save itself. Still, we recognize the potential of every human being when they enter a relationship with God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. This changes our perception and causes us to see every person as infinitely valuable in God’s sight and, therefore, in ours. As Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” (Facebook post, Apr 27, 2015)

How does this happen? It begins with a desire to have our perception transformed. As odd as it may sound, some folks don’t want to change. But, if you really want to see people the way Jesus does, ask God for the perception of Christ to see people the way He does. It will revolutionize your life and your spiritual walk.