There are things in the Bible that, even after all these years, and all my education, still leave me scratching my head. I’ll bet the same is true for most of us, although I have had a few friends over the years who were convinced they had it all figured out.
One of those things is how the whole foreknowledge, sovereignty, and predetermination of God works itself out in the practical everyday world and ultimately in the salvation of humankind and eternity. It’s a complex doctrine and one which many of us have struggled our way through. I have come to what I hope is a balanced and biblical understanding of the issue. But aside from that, I have come to an even more important (at least for me) decision: This issue will never become my personal test of fellowship. I have not always felt this way, but time and experience have taught me that many people who love Jesus immensely and are consistently evangelistic have come to some different conclusions than me. But on many extremely important points we do agree.
· God is sovereign! He is ultimately in control and in the end, His will will be accomplished.
· God is all-powerful which means He can accomplish His will regardless of the opposition and no matter how hopeless things may seem.
· God is good. His nature is good and when the curtain of earthly time is finally drawn, God’s good purpose will have come to pass.
· God has given us the ability to choose and make decisions, good and bad, right and wrong. I am responsible for those decisions and will one day give an account for the choices I make.
· God will have an infinitely perfect way of sorting everything out. His final decisions and judgments will be just, right and wise.
Being sure of these things brings me to a place in my faith-walk where I can live in the following way:
I will daily submit myself to the sovereign will of God for my life knowing that He is able to accomplish it. I understand that I may make decisions today that will either move me closer to His will or delay its presence in my life. God loves me and desires what is ultimately for my good and His glory. The mixture of those two things will sometimes bring me to a place of questioning both His goodness and His omnipotence, but because I trust His heart, I will always submit to His sovereign actions in my life. I know the ultimate, eternal outcome will be God’s best and will glorify Him.