Some years, the temptation to skip Christmas is palpable, and this might be one of those years. Across social media, I’m encountering a reluctance to celebrate, fueled by the persistent rise in inflation, particularly impacting essential aspects of life such as groceries, housing, and interest rates. As prices surge, our nation’s moral compass and traditional values seem to be plummeting at an alarming pace. Numerous organizations, including churches, are still grappling to recover from the havoc wreaked by a pandemic that almost obliterated them. In many regions, parents are entangled in disputes with local Boards of Education over the indoctrination of their children with ideologies conflicting with their convictions.
All in all, there seem to be many reasons to downsize Christmas this year—perhaps even some that prompt the desire to fast forward to January 1st, hoping for a better year ahead. It’s almost as if we’re collectively donning Scrooge hats, ready to exclaim “Bah-Humbug” at the top of our lungs.
My wife and I have immersed ourselves in Christmas movies since early November to overcome this attitude. We recently got our decorations out of storage, purchased a few gifts, and even indulged in some eggnog. However, the festive spirit is noticeably absent in our home. If my observations are correct, I worry that the “Clausometer” won’t rise enough to lift the sleigh off the ground this year (a playful Elf reference).
So, why not forego Christmas this year? You could spare yourself the effort of unpacking decorations, setting up the tree, wrapping presents, and maxing out credit cards. Why not enjoy the days off, bake some un-Christmas-like cookies, and start the new year completely rejuvenated?
As enticing as that may sound, there’s one reason to let all the negativity fade, set up the nativity scene and light the Advent Candles—Jesus! While we acknowledge that December 25th isn’t Jesus’ actual birthday, it’s the day we’ve traditionally chosen to celebrate His arrival as a baby, born in a stable. If you believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be—God the Son—then you’re convinced that He remains unaffected by the economy, politics, pandemics, or educational trends. He is unwavering, faithful, and unchanging. We celebrate not because of the cost of a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas. Christmas isn’t contingent on who occupies the Oval Office. Christmas is celebrated because of the one who was laid in His manger throne and now reigns from His heavenly throne. Christmas is about Him and nothing else.
If you’re tempted to think that Christmas revolves around anything other than the Prince of Peace, ask yourself this question: If that other thing was absent, would Jesus still be worth celebrating? If you didn’t have a job, a house, a great retirement plan, or even a family—would Jesus still be the Lord of Lords and King of Kings? Would it still be His birthday? Yes! Hallelujah…Glory to God in the Highest…Peace on earth, goodwill to men…Yes!
So, string the lights, put up the tree, bake the cookies, and wrap the gifts. Not because of what’s happening here on earth but because the angels are throwing a birthday party in heaven, and we have been invited to join the celebration.